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Company Caring Subscription

We make is EASY for your company to give back!

For a minimal monthly fee, our Company Caring Subscription provides everything your company needs to make a positive impact in The Palm Beaches by volunteering with various nonprofits, and causes that are making a difference! Company Caring Subscriptions are great for getting your team active in the community, and also act as a great complement to any volunteer program your company has in place.

Volunteers Packing Food
Volunteers Lifting Construction Frame


What's Included:​


  • A monthly calendar with over 10 off-site volunteer opportunities with various causes for employees to sign up for. Employees can choose to volunteer as much or as little as they'd like, and can choose from indoor and outdoor events. Up to 3 times a year we'll also work with your company to handcraft on-site volunteer events at your place of work. These include donation drives, meal & hygiene kit assembly in a break or conference room, card stations for employees to write letters to US Troops, foster children, and others needing encouragement, etc. 


  • Exclusive access to the Company Caring sign-up page, where employees and teams alike can sign up for volunteer events. We handle all the communication with the non-profits and causes, all your employees have to do is show up. We also provide dedicated volunteer support, and a group host/ leader for every volunteer event to make sure things run smoothly, there is maximum team-building, and everyone has a positive volunteer experience.


  • We'll help you show the community how your business is making an impact! At the end of each month, companies are sent their Company Caring Impact Report which includes the statistics from events employees participated in, along with pictures and videos of their employees in action volunteering to share wherever you'd like- company newsletters, social media, on your website, etc. We'll also do our part to share how your company is doing GOOD with our organization of over 1,500 public volunteers, and share on our social media which reaches over 7,000 PBC locals weekly.


  • Volunteers of The Palm Beaches is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to engage locals and businesses alike with volunteer opportunities that foster community and strengthen nonprofits. 100% of Company Caring Subscription fees are used to fund and expand our volunteer organization. 



Contact us below and a friendly volunteer coordinator will reach out to help you get started with your Company Caring Subscription.​




Thank you for your interest in our Company Caring Subscription. We'll be in touch soon!

We're proud to help strengthen our impactful 40+ Palm Beach County 

Nonprofit Partners by helping to align them with the volunteers they need to be successful!

Are you a nonprofit or cause driven organization who wants to become our partner? Be sure to check out our Nonprofit Partnerships page!

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