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Nonprofit Partnerships

Volunteers of The Palm Beaches has developed 

relationships with nonprofit organizations whose focus or mission directly benefits Palm Beach County communities. 

We help our Nonprofit Partners share their mission and support the efforts of the impactful work they are doing in Palm Beach County by aligning them with volunteers and shining the spotlight on their nonprofits.



How We Help

Spreading Awareness: Our nonprofit partners receive a listing on our website that gives volunteers a clear picture of how they can get involved with your nonprofit. This listing will also link to your organization's website. We have over 900 local Palm Beach County residents looking to us to connect with organizations just like yours to volunteer with. We also work with our marketing team to help spread the word through digital marketing.


Volunteer Support: Our goal is to make volunteering EASY! We connect Palm Beach County locals looking to volunteer, with great nonprofits that fit their interests.

We do this in two ways:

 1.) We organize group volunteer opportunities that fit within the guidelines of our mission.  We typically seek group volunteer opportunities for groups of 10 or more volunteers. This is not a guaranteed perk for our Nonprofit Partners but in the future we will be working exclusively with our nonprofit partners when choosing the group volunteer events that we organize.

2.) All Nonprofit Partners receive a free listing on our website that highlights their mission and volunteer opportunities. Every month we will be highlighting a Nonprofit Partner to bring even more attention to their cause and volunteer opportunities. 


Community Connections: We love to combine the mission of our Nonprofit Partners with the passion of our Community Partners. Our Volunteer Team schedules corporate groups for Team Building Volunteer opportunities and we are always looking for new offerings for those groups!


Who We Work With

Our Nonprofit Partners are comprised of nonprofit organizations who contribute to communities in Palm Beach County. In an effort to be inclusive to any and all who want to volunteer, we do not work with organizations that are political.


Nonprofit Partner Costs

Currently partnership for nonprofits is free. 


Interested in becoming a Nonprofit Partner?


Please fill out the Partnership Request form below, and we'll be in touch!


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